
Well, here we are. I don't know where 'here' is exactly, but I hope you will join me on the journey to find out... Let me start at the beginning. I'm 26 (actually now 28... so the world turns...), female, and British. That's the first few things you will notice about me if we were to ever meet. But there's a lot going on in this here noggin' of mine (that means head in olde english speak by the way). I am writing this blog for myself really, but you are very welcome to pop in to visit every now and then. I can't promise anything mind-blowing or life changing for you, but it may well make you think, laugh or even explore your own mind. I love to write. I also love to travel, meet people, have adventures and generally get the most out of what life has to offer.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Where don’t I want to go?

I have been doing lots of research on travel websites and blogs over the past couple of weeks, as I’m planning a 4 month trip around South-East Asia starting next month (which deserves a whole post to itself which I might get around to soon). In the course of my research today I came across an article entitled ‘Where don’t you want to go?’ I was astonished that so many people had dived straight in with a lot of negativity and bad-mouthing of places they had never been:

“I have never fancied Australia and there is nothing in the USA that I want to see”

“I have no interest in going to many places - Belarus, Albania, Saudi Arabia, large swathes of eastern Europe and Africa: it just doesn't really appeal.”

To me this kind of generalization of whole countries of even continents seems akin to racial stereotyping. I may be being a little bit harsh, but to judge a book by its cover or a country by its reputation goes against every natural instinct of a traveler. Almost by definition, if you travel you are open to new experiences, people and most importantly, places. If you didn’t want to see or experience anything different, you would never leave your own home!

Having said that, there are of course places that don’t inspire as much Wanderlust in me as much as others. That’s not to say I would refuse to go, but that there are many other places higher on my wish list. Topping my anti-travel wish list is India. For some reason just the thought of how crowded it is said to be in some city centres makes my heart beat fast (and not in the good way). But if I were to get over my fear and go I'm sure I would have an amazing experience and, if nothing else, overcome my fear.

I’m also not turned on by huge cities, and didn’t think I would enjoy Los Angeles. If I had listened to all the negative reviews I had heard about how superficial and vacuous it is I wouldn’t have gone and had the great time that I did. Yes, it was not the sort of place you would go to learn about Renaissance painting, but for a real cultural experience you cannot get any more authentic than a stroll along Venice beach or down Rodeo Drive.

So, while there are of course places that my not pull you in at first glance, my advice would be to not write them off without having been. Even if someone whose opinion you value highly tells you not to go somewhere, do not assume that you will have the same experience as they did. Give everywhere a chance and be open minded. Now where did I put that ‘visit India’ brochure..?